Kill Team Cassius

I’m back! I’ve been painting a storm the past year but I haven’t been photographing or uploading pics. That will all change.

My first new posting is of my Chaplain Cassius from Kill Team. I’ve taken a different approach to black on this miniature, going for more of a grey tone approach to the colour, where I normally take a blue-black approach. The base black is Corvus Black from Forgeworld and highlighted with Skavenblight Dinge and Fenris Grey. I’ve also opted for a simpler than usual basing scheme for my deathwatch minis to make sure that the attention is really focused on the minis, which can be subtle in how black they are.


Warhammer Quest – Silver Tower

Didn’t get much painted this week, though I’ve been building some 40K Cities of Death (or is it Sector Imperialis?) terrain. I’m posting a couple of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower characters today. The original Warhammer Quest is probably my favorite game of all time and a big part of why I’m in the hobby. Silver Tower is pretty good, and I love all the character models in the box. It’s a real palette cleanser to work on some of them between larger projects. Below are the Darkoath Chieftan and the Knight Questor.

KnightQuestor_002c DarkOathChieftan_002c

Malign Portents – Green Skulls

GW’s recent Malign Portents campaign gave me the final push I required to start building a Death army for Age of Sigmar. Admittedly, I didn’t need much pushing and between how great the Malign Portents and Legions of Nagash books looked and the fact that my local GW was having a store birthday celebration it wasn’t too hard to splurge on a new Death army.

I wanted to paint my death army in a way different to any I’d seen before, but at the same time keep it traditional and even lore-inspired if at all possible. Age of Sigmar, being a far more flamboyant setting than the Old World, certainly makes it easy to conceive of some pretty radical looking undead: golden metallic, fiery red, crystal, etc. Still, I wanted something colourful that still had a lot of bone and bone colour in it, otherwise, why bother?

I stumbled upon a brief passage in the Nagash volume of the Warhammer End Times books, describing the forces of the Silver Pinnacle, a Neferata army, and a legion within called the Green Skulls. Suitably, it is an undead legion with, you guessed it, glowing green skulls. Loved the concept, and I think it will carry through an entire army brilliantly. Here’s my first unit, just completed.


Primaris Marines

I have a number of projects on the go, right now, one of which is the Primaris Marines from the new boxed set for 8th Edition. I wanted to paint them as a solely Primaris force, and took the opportunity to try a new chapter, in this case the Blood Angels successor chapter: the Blood Drinkers. I selected this chapter for a couple of reasons: 1) I wanted a less popular chapter, but have always liked the Blood Angels so it seemed a good fit, but more to the point, 2) I wanted a chapter that followed codex-style marking conventions. I may diverge a bit, to channel my inner Rogue Trader, but I really want to paint them as a “by-the-book” Space Marine chapter. Minimal to no ornamentation.



After the Intercessor Squad above, I was inspired by an old piece of Rogue Trader artwork to paint a Blood Drinkers apothecary. The artwork features a ‘beakie’ apothecary marine with a split, red and white colour scheme and a yellow stripe down the center of the helmet.  I think it looks great on the Primaris sculpt.


I have more Primaris on the way. Next batch will likely include some Reivers, and the Store Birthday exclusive Captain model. I also have a Repulsor Grav Tank that is nearly complete that will be making an appearance soon. I’m still of a mixed mind on the Primaris Marines and the lore around them, however, I think they are absolutely fantastic looking models and really enjoy painting them.